It all started with a little brown dog named Hugo...

It was the 1st February 2017 when our little peanut arrived home. He was so small, but so mischievous and naughty. His second day at home, he'd already learnt how to climb up onto the sofa, managed to scale half of the stairs and had been caught balancing at the top of his play pen. He's been inseparable from us ever since and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Growing up I would watch my Nan and Great Nan knit baby clothes for relatives and family friends and eventually asked my Nan to teach me. I've always enjoyed it, but never really had a purpose to knit for. As Hugo got older, I decided to make him a jumper. After the first, I decided to make another, then another... each time making adjustments and improvements. Whenever we were out, Hugo would get a lot of compliments for his 'stylish' garments. So, I decided to start Little Brown Dog Co.

Since March 2019, I have been creating custom, made-to-order jumpers and accessories for dogs of all shapes and sizes. Right from being ordered, each item is 100% handmade and finished by myself, using traditional knitting and crochet methods. This means that all my items are unique, ensuring a perfect fit and total customisation for each customer.

All my products have been rigorously tested by Hugo and only when I am happy, they are the best they can be, will they be added to my collection. I strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible, using recyclable, sustainable materials and packaging as much as possible. 

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